
I am actively involved in the development of the following projects:


- A Python package for Bayesian statistical modelling and Probabilistic Machine Learning. I also maintain the PyMC3 online community

Generalized linear mixed-effect model in Python

- Using PyMC3, PyStan, and more

In Maintenance

I developed and maintained the following projects:


- Statistical Fixation Mapping using Linear Mixed Modeling in Matlab

Bayesian Cognitive Modeling in PyMC3

- full PyMC3 implementation of Lee and Wagenmakers’ Bayesian Cognitive Modeling


- Just Another Eye-movement Filtering Algorithm


- Surface Profile Analysis for Free Viewing eye movement experiment in 2AFC task

Industrial Projects

I also occasionally work with industry partners and counsel for companies. Below are some projects I was involved that are currently not under the restriction of non-disclosure agreement:

Mazda Snow Xperience - The Emotional Test Drive

- I appeared in the above video around 30s mark. It is a Mazda corporate event (2017 Mazda Snow Xperience) organized by Mazda Switzerland in Les Diablerets. As a consultant and the main technician in the project, I developed a Python application to synchronise the recording of multiple GoPro cameras and the facial expression decoding module supplied by iMotions.